It is retextured Imperial Armor in game, and the shield is a recolored Ysgramor's shield. Run bare-chested through the snowy mountains of Skyrim. Roleplay as the wierd hunchback Spartan that betrayed Sparta to Xerxes. I used to rescue the princess and play an Ocarina, then I took an arrow in the knee. Just imagine that Skyrim is the Christopher Nolan version of Hyrule–dark and gritty. The Master sword is a retextured steel sword the Hyrule Shield is a retextured Imperial Shield and Link's Armor is retextured Thieves Guild Armor. Link's Sword, Shield, and Armor Skyrim Mod I used to be an assassin, then I took an arrow in the knee. Imagine the fun stories you can share with your friends! Imagine the fan fiction that could be written. Think about this, you can roleplay as Ezio with Conjuration powers. This is a wonderful retexture of the Thieves Guild Armor that makes you look like you're from Assassin's Creed. Put that sneaking skill to some real use and roleplay as an assassin, like Altair or Ezio. Thieves Guild Armor Retexture Assassins Creed Skyrim Mod But wouldn't it be better if you could play as characters from other games and movies? Damn right it would! Why would you play as a regular, old Dragonborn when you could play as Link the Dragonborn? And so, here are some awesome mods that allow you to look like some of your favorite characters. Skyrim is an amazing game everybody knows that.